These aircraft carriers look formidable and of ultra modern design. 

There are reports the 1st Chinese aircraft carrier is under construction and could enter service around 2015 or earlier. It won't be long before we see the real thing.

Defense analysts are waiting; watching anxiously.

This is quantum leap above anything we have on the drawing board. They have thought " outside the box " on this one.

Better speed, larger capacity, much more stable, etc. Definitely a " blue-water " long reach vessel. Plus they can service their nuke sub fleet in-between the twin hulls (sight unseen) or even launch amphibious opps from same. 

It will be launched in half the time it takes the usa at just one-third the cost. Add the new chinese stealth fighter bomber (naval version already flight testing) in the mix and you have the makings of a formidable weapons system indeed.. Also look at that extra ''parking and readiness'' station between both hull structures.. And of course the launching and landing capabilities from the utilisation of twin flight decks at once.

~Before you leave~ 

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